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What Australian Temporary, Permanent Visa Holders and Employers Need to Know During COVID-19

As countries including Australia and her states begin shutting down their borders, general panic, anxiety and feelings of fear have opened up. Understandable given the numbers of non-Australian citizens stuck overseas unable to return to Australia and plenty in Australia unable to leave who are on the verge of breaching their visa conditions. In this time of great uncertainty, here’s what we know, that you should know.

3 Areas Your Migration Agent Should Cover at a Consultation (And Why They're Chargeable)

Google has been my go-to resource since well, Google was born. There’s a lot of good that comes from universal publishing rights but also a massive amount of (mis)information. In the context of immigration advise, I’ve found that good-intentioned comments and opinions shared in a migrant forum typically don’t take into account current laws and specifics; often resulting in costly mistakes. Find out why paid consultations are important.