Tips For Being Productive While Working from Home

Tips For Being Productive While Working from Home

For the unseasoned office worker, working from home can be a challenge. There isn’t enough table space for all your stuff, certainly not enough bandwidth for you and your partners (and possibly kids). And there’s no colleagues to keep you accountable. But staying at home in these extraordinary times, helps us keep everyone safer. So, thank you for keeping my family safe and staying in with me!

Now, let’s go over the benefits of working from home,

  1. Productivity is increased because it promotes focused work!

  2. Less commute time means more time for a sleep-in, exercise or a spend time with the furries.

  3. It definitely reduces exposure to COVID-19 and the spread of it to your family and friends.

Tips to making the most of your day,

  1. Plan your calendar the night before. I’m a minimalist bullet journal kind of person. No need for colourful markers - it’s mostly grey or black but I carve time out for the three big things to accomplish before any smaller ones.

  2. Set clear boundaries. I set a start and end date that I generally adhere to so that I don’t spend more time at my desk than I am meant to. Commit to start and end times, as a rule, don’t stray.

  3. Don’t work in your jarmies! Help your mind space out and change out of your PJs into lounge wear to get into your work day. Makes a huge difference for me!

3 FREE Tools to help you keep business momentum going,

  1. Zoom. By now, you’re no stranger to Zoom I am sure! Zoom offers a free version that allows you up to 45 mins a session to maintain face to face discussions with your colleagues and your clients!

  2. Dropbox. I’ve used this for years and am especially appreciative of how easy it is to share files and collaborate on the cloud. Sign up for free!

  3. Acuity Scheduler. Big fan of Acuity as it helps me carve out consultation with clients time and work time. Plus it’s automated and comes with payment gateways to make it easy for both my client and me!

See you on the other side of this!

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